Apr 25, 2022Liked by From Ritual to Romance

You could take this to the final step..."These labels aren't real"....and extend the unrealness to the very self itself. Buddhism argues there is 'no self' and it's something Buddhists strive to understand, because when there is no 'self', there is no suffering and pain. Pain (not physical...your body is a different matter) comes from our concern for the 'self'. Buddhism argues there is no self because everything can be broken down into something else. you are the product of your parents, they are the products of their parents, the food you eat was created by water and sunlight and photosynthesis and other animals regenerating and people in factories manufacturing food who they themselves came from something else...as did the machines they use....made out of metals and minerals out of the ground, and if you break it down further you return the elements to the Big Bang, from whence some of them came, and the supernova that came after it, from whence the rest came.

Carl Sagan said we are made of starstuff, and the Buddhists would agree.

However to state that transwomen are exactly the same as natal women is sheer gaslighting and buffoonery. Clearly they're not; your nephew is never going to impregnate anyone, and my friend's kid's transwife is never going to carry a baby in her belly and push it out between her legs like her spouse did. At some point, biology IS destiny, and your body doesn't care how you 'identify'.

Funny how the transfolk don't want anyone to deny that biological reality, and accuse others of not catering to their fantasies as 'dehumanizaing' them. Poppycock! If they're human they're human, regardless of how they were born or how they try to transform themselves. If you were born a fe/male and die a fe/male, you die a human. Most folks, even critics, aren't telling transfolks "You're not human," they're denying vociferously a fantasy they're not buying into. But don't try to cross race! That's a no-no!

Was just reading today about the lesser-known 'transableism' - people with a particular identity disorder who feel they were 'meant' to be disabled in some way - blind, in a wheelchair, etc. This poses rather a problem for doctors when they come to them asking to be somehow disabled - this goes directly against the Hippocratic oath.

And frankly, I would find that offensive, if I may be so judgemental, when there are so many genuinely disabled person who would probably love to live like others. however you feel about disabled rights, they will never know certain joys the rest of us experience because of some limitation of their bodies.

Unfortunately, the trans movement has become quite vitriolic and misogynist and I strongly suspect most of th hostility to them comes not from genuine transphobes (who exist) but people who react to the hate and hostility and vicious abuse of a British author who has NEVER uttered the lies transfolk have attributed to her. A few weeks ago on Twitter, she called them out as being exactly like her ex-husband, who was quite abusive. I'm glad she's saying it, because I want to explore the misogyny and male narcissism so centered in trans-activism.

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